Welcome to your Digital PTO Site!

Welcome to | Powering all Parent Groups Online.

We are excited to have you as a part of our team. As a new member, we have laid out some of the groundwork for you to get your Parent Group site started quickly. This initial design is based on researching thousands of parent groups, but it may not be perfect for your needs, so you can always change and modify it as you see fit!

We have added some of the most common menu navigation options across the top of your website and added some filler content to each of the Pages. As we mentioned, you are welcome to edit and delete any and all of the pre-created pages as you see fit. We will also teach you in the Quick Start Guide below how to hide these pre-built posts from the public so you can reference them later!

Be sure to visit our Digital PTO Help Center for answers to almost all of your questions. Our Help Center is loaded with information and tutorials in a very easy to follow format that should take care of the majority of your needs.

If you are planning on upgrading to one of our paid plans, we would highly suggest keeping these pages that have been pre-created intact as they will be needed to install things like your PTA/PTO Calendar, the Volunteer Form, the Contact Us form and the Online Family Registration form. If you are sticking with the Free Plan, feel free to delete anything you don’t need.

Remember that our Upgrade Plans start at only $2.99 / month (with an annual plan) so upgrading is very cost effective and gives you access to many more features. If you’d like to learn more you can COMPARE PLANS or proceed directly to UPGRADE YOUR SITE.

We would all like to take this moment to officially thank you for signing up for Digital PTO and we hope you will love our service as much as we love providing it for you. If you have any questions, please let us know.

See you soon ~

The Digital PTO Staff